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Monuments in Fundão
Convento de Santo António / Convento do Seixo
- heritage
Rua do Convento
6230-045, Aldeia de Joanes
Antigo convento masculino da Ordem de São Francisco, pertencente aos Capuchos da Província da Soledade, datado do século XVI. Apresenta uma planta longitudinal de volumes articulados de disposição na horizontal. No interior, destaca-se o claustro com dois pisos, o inferir com arcadas e o superior com janelas de peitoril e de sacada.

Fonte do Meio
- heritage
Rua Abade de Souto da Casa
6230-725, Fundão
Source of backrest with a rectangular tank and two cocks, where stands out in the Centre, a coat of arms.

Chafariz Velho
- heritage
Rua do Forno
6230-614, Fundão
Neoclassical revival, fountain of hybrid type, consisting of a box plinth crowned by URN, with a spout in the Center, in the form of anthemion, which sheds to a rectangular tank. It was built by the City Council in 1867.

Chafariz Fundeiro / Chafariz D'El Rei
- heritage
Rua de São Brás - EN523
6230-160, Fundão
Fountain of backrest with a very simple structure, the present two cocks, a rectangular tank and surmounted by cornice. It was built in the 14th century, in the time of d. Dinis.

Cruzeiro em Salgueiro
- heritage
Largo do Cruzeiro
6230-618, Fundão
Cruise the path type, consisting of a quadrangular platform with two steps, a box on top and plinth, a frame and a Latin cross with framed rods. It was built in 1907 to mark the location of some processions.

Pelourinho de Alpedrinha
- heritage
Largo do Pelourinho, 6
6230-071, Fundão
This pillory is composed by an octagonal shaft settled in a three steps platform and Ionic capital above which it is possible to see four sustained irons decorated with snake heads. The prismatic body it is finished by7 a pyramid crowned by a sphere.

Ponte Romana de Pêro Viseu
- heritage
Pêro Viseu
6230-180, Fundão
This Roman Bridge probably used to belong to the road that connected until Viseu. It has three round arches in which the central is the biggest one, breakwaters and a pathway where it is still possible to admire some flagstone that used to belong to the original road.

Igreja Matriz de Souto da Casa / Igreja de São Pedro
- heritage
Rua Marquês de Pombal
6230-706, Fundão
Mannerist church built in 1690, to present a main facade framed by pilasters and torn by a perfect round portal.

Igreja Matriz de Orca / Igreja de São Francisco de Assis
- heritage
Largo da Igreja, 4
6230-512, Fundão
Church built in the 16th century and rebuilt in 1713, to present a main facade framed by pilasters and torn by a rectilinear portal.