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Monuments in Loures
Convento de Nossa Senhora dos Mártires da Conceição
- heritage
Praça da República
2685-105, Sacavém
Built in the 16th century to replace the oratory dedicated to Nossa Senhora dos Mártires, the convent housed the nuns of Santa Clara until 1877, after which it was handed over to the Ministry of War. It has a cloister with two floors and typical tiles from the 17th century.

Palácio da Mitra
- heritage
Largo Félix da Silva Avelar Brotero
2660-119, Loures
Former residence of archbishops, Palácio da Mitra or Palácio dos Arcebispos is a 16th-century building in the shape of a "u", which features typical Portuguese tiles in the rooms, also characterized by the thematic decoration of the time (representations of rural scenes, seasons or cooking). The church was completely rebuilt in the 16th century. The statues that decorate the interior rooms of the palace are from this period, as well as the monumental fountain, in Baroque style.

Palácio e Quinta do Correio-Mor
- heritage
2670, Loures
The name comes from the fact that the farm belonged to Luís Gomes Mata, "Correio-Mor" (chief of the post delivery) at the time of Filipe II. Built in the 18th century, the palace might have been designed by the Italian António Canevari, one of the architects of the Convent of Mafra. It is preceded by an emblazoned door leading to the patio. Inside, the tiles and stucco ceilings with paintings by José da Costa Negreiros stand out. In the gardens, the waterfalls and tiles with mythological scenes stand out.

Castelo de Pirescoxe
- heritage
Praça Viscondes Castelo Branco
2690-414, São João da Talha
Built in 1442, this castle belonged to the Castelo Branco family until the 18th century. It was restored, currently hosting a municipal gallery. From the original construction, there are still the medieval battlemented towers of the old fortified house.

Cruzeiro de Loures
- heritage
Largo da Igreja
2670-400, Loures
Located in front of the Mother Church of Loures, this crossing consists of a platform with three steps and an octagonal base with moldings. The shaft is also octagonal, topped by a capital decorated with plant motifs. The finish is made by a flourished cross.

Igreja de Santa Maria / Igreja Matriz de Loures
- heritage
Rua Fria, 1
2670-400, Loures
Church with three naves, divided by arches supported by Tuscan columns with decorative paintings from the 17th century. On the ceiling of the central nave there is a painting, from the same century, of the patron saint. The vaulted chancel has an 18th-century altarpiece with twisted columns and a tabernacle with shell niches and large bare atlanteans.

Igreja de São João Baptista
- heritage
Rua da Igreja
2695-708, São João da Talha
Reconstructed by the end of the 18th century or beginning of the 19th, it still preserves some remains from the fifteen hundreds construction in the pyramid that crowns the bell ringer tower. On the interior it stands out the barrel vault and the main chapel with glazed tiles covers from the 17th century.

Igreja de São Pedro / Igreja Paroquial de Lousa
- heritage
Largo 5 de Outubro - EN8
2670-755, Loures
Sober building, consisting of a single nave and a Bell Tower. Abroad, especially the lateral portal manuelino, dating from 1546. Inside, highlight to the panels of tiles of the chapel chancel and two 16TH-century screens.

Palácio dos Marqueses da Praia
- heritage
Rua da República - EN8
2670, Loures
19TH-century building where they worked, between 1887 and 1893, the first town of Loures. Currently, the original Palace adossa a contemporary building. After suffering restoration and expansion, houses the Municipal Assembly.

Igreja Matriz de Bucelas / Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Purificação
- heritage
Largo do Espírito Santo
2670-655, Loures
This fifteen hundreds temple has three naves with five ranks with round arches. The walls coverage is done with green and white glazed tiles and the tunnel vault are decorated with paintings from the 17th century. The sacristy has crossed vaults. On the main chapel stands out the polychromes glazes tiles, one altarpiece in baroque carve and four sixteen hundreds paintings. It is also worthy to mention the lateral altars carve and the sixteen hundreds candelabra, as well as a gothic pediment on the entrance right side.