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Natural Resources in Bragança

Parque Natural de Montesinho

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5300-544, França


With around 75,000 hectares, it is one of the largest protected natural areas in Portugal and a must-see for anyone arriving in this region where nature has been very generous. The Serra de Montesinho is characterized by its rounded hills and the valleys the Sabor, Maçãs and Baceiro Rivers. The fauna is varied and rich, with emphasis on the presence of wolves, deer, roe deer, nesting birds, amphibians and reptiles. There are signposted walking paths that are a great way to get in touch with the vast biodiversity.

Barragem de Montesinho

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Barragem de Montesinho
5300, Montesinho


The Montesinho Dam, in Ribeira de Vilar, is part of the Natural Park with the same name. This area has an enormous diversity of flora and fauna, with special emphasis on the Iberian wolf.

Barragem de Gostei

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EN 519
5300-574, Bragança


With a storage capacity of 1384 million cubic meters, this dam is located at the foot of the Sierra de Nogueira. Your albufeira allows picnicking, swimming, boating and fishing.

Serra de Montesinho

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Serra de Montesinho
5300, Montesinho


It belongs to the Ancient Massif of Trás-os-Montes, located to the North of Bragança, in the border with Spain. Part of the Natural Park of the Montesinho Mountain, this is where it reaches its tallest altitude: 1481 metres.One can take several pedestrian walks, mountain bike or drive a car along the rivers and getting acquainted with fauna and th fora of the region, as well as its typical villages and its archaeological vestiges.

Serra da Nogueira

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Serra da Nogueira
5300, Bragança


Located to the southwest of Bragançaand belonging to the Ancient Massif of Trás-os-Montes, this is a branch of the Montesinho mountain. It is 12.5 km long and 10 km wide and has its highest pont at 1319 metres. On the top, we find the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Serra, a privileged belvedere. On its slopes several small rivers are born that have several fish species such as the common trout, the barbel and the eel among others. The fauna is impressively diverse and one should note the presence of wolves, foxes, boars, wild cats several birds and amphibuous. …