Ponte do Vouga

Also named Marnel Old Bridge this bridge is made out of a curved platform sustained by five arches.




  • Difficult external parking
  • Historical bridges
  • True

Monuments near Ponte do Vouga

Antiga Chaminé da Fábrica de Telha e Tijolo

It is a very tall, illuminated chimney, built in brick.

Capela de São Sebastião

Is a small chapel located in the center of the city, next to the Town Hall. The exterior of the chapel reveals Baroque-inspired decorative elements. Is to enha…

Escultura Força... Justiça... Paz...

It is a modern sculpture in stone and stainless steel, where a hand holding a bird. The significance of this sculpture is "Strength. Justice ... Peace ... The …

Fonte da Praça do Município

Great source of stone carved marble, with a rectangular tank and two cocks. Insculpidas presents the Portuguese guns.

Fonte do Botareu

Source with tiles representing a daughter-in-law in the river.

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