Piscina Coberta Municipal de Beja

Covered swimming pool with 6 tracks in warm atmosphere. Here you may practice swimming and other water sports.


Rua 1° de Maio


  • 1.40€
  • Private parking
  • Swimming pools
  • Hydrotherapy

    opening hours

  • monday: 17:00-21:00
  • tuesday: 08:00-09:00, 12:00-13:00, 17:00-21:00
  • wednesday: 08:00-09:00, 12:00-13:00, 17:00-21:00
  • thursday: 08:00-09:00, 12:00-13:00, 17:00-21:00
  • friday: 08:00-09:00, 12:00-13:00, 17:00-21:00
  • saturday: 09:30-12:30, 15:30-18:30

Sports near Piscina Coberta Municipal de Beja

Polidesportivo de Baleizão

Open air sports area with no artificial light.

Campo de Futebol 25 de Abril

Football field with gravel pavement, artificial lights and a small bench.

Circuito de Manutenção de Beja

Fitness circuit with 1750m length, divided in more then 10 stations along the way. In those stations are the most varied obstacles with a previous explanation …

Complexo Desportivo Fernando Mamede

Modern sports complex with a 4200 seats covered bench. It has varied equipments to practice several modalities of athletics (jumping tank, high jump, pole vaul…

Pista de Automodelismo de Beja

Auto modelling track in beaten ground.

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What do do near Piscina Coberta Municipal de Beja