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  • food & drink

Praia Fluvial Azenhas D'el Rei - Montejuntos
7250-282, Alandroal


Localizado na Praia Fluvial Azenhas D'el Rei, nas margens do Alqueva, este beach club funciona como bar e restaurante, oferecendo comida leve, fresca e saudável, acompanhada por animação musical. Cerca de 80% dos produtos apresentados são produzidos na quinta biológica Terramay, resultando num conceito gastronómico singular, com bons vinhos e cocktails de autor.

Sepulturas Medievais do Alandroal

  • heritage

7250, Alandroal


Necropolis with a set of seven graves dug into the rock, located near the village of Rosario.

Igreja da Misericórdia de Terena

  • heritage

Rua Direita
7250-065, Terena


Church of Manueline, Baroque and Rococo architecture, with a single nave, a chancel with access to the sacristy, a chorus and a pulpit. Inside, especially Mannerist painting panels.

Igreja da Misericórdia de Alandroal

  • heritage

Rua Alexandre Herculano
7250-117, Alandroal


Baroque church of josefina. Note-If the gilded altarpiece of the main Chapel and the Baroque-style tile panels-Rococo, representing the last supper and the washing of the feet, by Policarpo de Oliveira Bernardes. Suffered a deep remodelling in the reign of King John V.

Piscinas Municipais de Alandroal

  • leisure

Rua Nova
7250-145, Alandroal


Set of two swimming pools, one covered with 17X8 metres and a discovery of 25X15 meters.

Miradouro de São Lázaro

  • country
  • leisure

Rua do Miradouro de São Lazaro
7250, Alandroal


A space with lovely panoramic views of the river and of its green banks.

Barragem de Lucefécit

  • beach
  • country

7250, Terena


A dam located on the Lucefecit Brook, on the Guadiana river basin. It i surrounded by eucaliptus trees. Some sports and leisure activities are permitted.

Ermida de São Pedro

  • heritage

Rua Nova
7250-145, Alandroal


16TH century church built by the people of Alandroal. After being hit by the earthquake of 1755, it was repaired just a few decades later. In the interior, highlighted by the existence of a high choir.

Menir de Pedra Alçada

  • heritage

Santiago Maior
7200, Santiago Maior


Este menir tem dez metros de altura e seis metros de diâmetro, composto por dois blocos sobrepostos.

Igreja Matriz do Alandroal / Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Conceição

  • heritage

Rua do Castelo
7250-110, Alandroal


Church of Manueline, Baroque and neoclassical architecture consisting of a nave and a chancel with access to the sacristy and the choir. Is inside the Castle, located near the donjon.

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