Miradouro da Ponta Delgada (Este)

A belvedere with sea views, equipped with lights, from where one can enjoy lovely night views.


Estrada das Feiteiras
9240,São Vicente


  • Viewpoints

Gardens near Miradouro da Ponta Delgada (Este)

Miradouro de Cardais de Baixo

A plac with panoramic views of the sea and of the typical green Madeira mountains.

Miradouro de Feiteiras

A place with views of the sea, of the nearest villages and of the bypasses across the mountains.

Miradouro da Roça

A belvedere with tables and benches and lovely views of the ocean and of the bypasses in the island's interior.

Miradouro de Pastel

A place from where one can view the Pastel village, by the sea.

Miradouro de São Cristóvão

A place with views of the sea and of the island's interior.

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What do do near Miradouro da Ponta Delgada (Este)