Parque de Merendas da Senhora da Piedade

Picnic Park with stone tables and benches, and with barbecue available.


4920,Vila Nova de Cerveira


  • Easy external parking
  • Picnic areas
  • Tables & benches, Wild animals

Gardens near Parque de Merendas da Senhora da Piedade

Jardim do Auditório Municipal de Vila Nova de Cerveira

A garden in the centre of Vila Nova de Cerveira, by the Municipal Auditorium, with several sculptures.

Miradouro da Senhora da Encarnação

A belvdere by the picnic area of Senhora da Encarnação (Our Lady of Incarnation), with unique views of the Minho river and Vila Nova de Cerveira.

Miradouro da Senhora da Piedade

A place with general views of the Cerveira region and of the Minho river.

Miradouro do Alto da Pena

A belvedere at the Alto da Pena, one of the highest places in the Alto Minho region, with views of the neighbouring parishes, of the Minho river and of Galicia.

Miradouro do Cervo

This is the best-known viewpoint in Vila Nova de Cerveira, located next to the Cervo sculpture, a popular iron work by sculptor José Rodrigues. Located on a hi…

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What do do near Parque de Merendas da Senhora da Piedade