
A shop with a great variety of articles from the North and the Centre of Portugal.


Rua de Santo António, 28


Conocimientos y Sabores cerca de Carminhos

Casa do Arco

Small shop with craftwork of the Alentejo, Lixa and Viana do Castelo.

Tarôt-Artesanato e Esotéricos

Large shop that presents a wide variety of afro-brazilian craftwork.

Artesanato Farovinhos

Small shop that sells craftwork from the Alentejo and the Algarve.

J. Carminho

Big shop with na enormous variety of craftwork from all over the country. Diverse tiles, tableware, embroderies, coppers, are some of the available works.

Doce Fino

Estes bolinhos algarvios são feitos a partir de uma mistura de massapão, à base de amêndoa, o ingrediente mais comum na doçaria tradicional algarvia, açúcar ...

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