Cobertores Alentejanos

Worked in weaver’s loom, the traditional Alentejo blankets have as main motif the square shapes with brown, white or blue, white colours. At Urra are made weaving works that are later embroidered.




Conocimientos y Sabores cerca de Cobertores Alentejanos

Manufactura de Tapeçarias de Portalegre

The tapestry of Portalegre presents a very small stitch, which allows a great detail and perfection of pictures. It is made on the reverse side in weaver’s l...


Casa especializada em produtos típicos alentejanos, nomeadamente charcutaria e doçaria.

¿Vas a Portalegre?

¡Descubre las sugerencias de lugares de interés que tenemos para ti!

Best Of en Portalegre

Qué hacer cerca de Cobertores Alentejanos