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Cultural Centers in Gavião

Museu da Margalha

  • heritage

Quinta da Margalha
6040, Gavião


Museum belonging to Quinta da Margalha and, as this is a private property, visits must be made by appointment. It is a wine production farm.

Cine-Teatro Francisco Ventura

  • art

Avenida José Marcelino, 14
6040-118, Gavião


Cultural Space for the organization of different cultural activities. The name of this space intends to honor the local writer, who died in 1994.

Museu do Sabão

  • heritage

Rua da Escola Nova, 4
6040-024, Gavião


The Soap Museum was opened in 2013, in Belver, in the municipality of Gavião. Installed in the former Belver primary school, this museum has an advanced, interactive technological system that allows visitors to gain deeper knowledge about the history and art of soap and soap makers. Portugal became one of four countries in the world that have a Soap Museum.

Biblioteca Municipal de Gavião

  • heritage

Rua Dr. Dias Calazans
6040, Gavião
