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Monuments in Ourém

Capelinha das Aparições

  • heritage

Santuário de Nossa Senhora de Fátima
2495, Fátima


É considerada o "coração" do Santuário de Fátima e um dos locais de maior afluxo de peregrinos e onde muitos cumprem promessas. Foi construída no local onde Nossa Senhora falou aos pastorinhos e dinamitada em 1922, supostamente por grupos anticlericais, sendo restaurada menos de um ano depois. Preserva os traços caraterísticos de uma ermida popular e o teto está forrado com madeira de pinho, vinda da Sibéria, enquanto que o alpendre foi inaugurado pelo papa João Paulo II. Em lugar de destaque está a imagem de Nossa Senhora do Rosário de Fátima, venerada por todos os que ali rumam. A …

Igreja da Colegiada / Igreja Matriz de Ourém

  • heritage

Largo da Sé Colegiada
2490-462, Ourém


Situado próximo da porta da vila medieval, este templo, que anteriormente acolheu a Igreja de Santa Maria de Ourém, foi remodelado e ampliado em 1445, passando a funcionar como a Colegiada de Nossa Senhora das Misericórdias, por iniciativa de D. Afonso, quarto Conde de Ourém. Destruída pelo terramoto de 1755, foi reconstruída no século XVIII, mantendo as dimensões e a planta do primeiro edifício. Da estrutura original, salvou-se apenas a cripta, onde se encontra o túmulo de D. Afonso. Na capela-mor destaca-se o coro e um quadro a óleo do século XVIII.

Igreja da Santíssima Trindade

  • heritage

Santuário de Nossa Senhora de Fátima
2495, Fátima


Opened in 2007 on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the apparitions of Fatima, the Church of the Holy Trinity is integrated in the complex from Fátima sanctuary, at the opposite end of the Basilica of our Lady of the Rosary, and was built entirely with donations of pilgrims over the years. It is a postmodern work of authorship of the Greek architect Alexandros Tombazis, with circular plant abroad and foursquare inside and 12 side doors, each corresponding to one of the Apostles, and the main door, the door of Christ. The decoration is inspired in Byzantine art and …

Antiga Vila de Ourém

  • heritage

Rua Padre de Gens
2490, Ourém


Village inside a wall, with medieval origin. Has two entrance doors to the former village: the door of the village and port of Santarem. The ancient town of Ourem is classified as Building of public interest.

Basílica de Nossa Senhora do Rosário de Fátima

  • heritage

Cova de Iria
2495, Fátima


Temple of neo-baroque structure, built in the early 20th century, on the site of the apparitions of our Lady. Dominated by a central tower of several floors, the colonnade is decorated by ceramic panels representing the Via Crucis. Designed by the Dutch architect Gerard van Kriechen and continued by the architect João Antunes, stands out for its dimensions, the statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the niche of the tower and the mosaic that represents the Holy Trinity crowning of our Lady.

Castelo de Ourém

  • heritage

Antiga Vila de Ourém
2490, Ourém


The castle walls remain, two doors (of the village and the Santarém) and some towers. The old Palace is a monumental residential tower of the 15th century. Plant composed of rectangular main body and two turrets inserted on the wall of the village. The curtain wall that unites the turrets, crowned by way of round, is torn by arched door broken abroad, down inside. Without cover, are visible in the interior, where Corbels supporting the beams of the floors and ceilings. Still inside the enclosure, there is a large cistern. The Muslim Castle would have been conquered by the King …

Igreja do Olival / Igreja Paroquial de Nossa Senhora da Purificação

  • heritage

Rua do Cimo da Igreja
2435-485, Olival


This baroque temple is composed by one only nave, bell ringer tower and main chapel. On the inside it is worthy to mention an ensemble of glazed tiles and statuary in baroque style.

Santuário de Nossa Senhora de Fátima

  • heritage

Rua de Santa Isabel, 360
2495-424, Fátima


Is the center of the Marian pilgrimage to Fatima. Ample space with several temples and buildings in support of the pilgrims and visitors of Fatima, as the chapel of the apparitions, the Berlin wall, the continual prayer Chapel, the Basilica, the Church of the Holy Trinity, the statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Holm, among others.

Monumento ao Povo de Ourém

  • heritage

Praça do Município
2490, Ourém


Obra da autoria do Escultor Fernando Marques.

Estátua do Condestável Dom Nuno Álvares Pereira

  • heritage

Antiga Vila de Ourém
2490, Ourém


Obra da autoria do Escultor Fernando Marques.

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