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Outdoor activities in Arouca

Passadiços do Paiva

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4544, Arouca


Pedestrian walk on the bank of the river Paiva. You can start the course in Espiunca or Areinho. The route comprises a distance of 8 kilometers. At certain times of the year, it is also possible to participate in radical activities.

Percurso Pedestre S. Pedro Velho (PR16)

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4540, Merujal


Este percurso tem início e chegada no Parque de Campismo, com 12 km em circuito.

Percurso Pedestre Viagem à Pré-História (PR15)

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4540, Merujal


This walk has a medium/high difficulty level and it starts and ends at the village of Merujal, on the Freita mountain. This circular trail is about 17 km long and takes 6 hours.

Percurso Pedestre Aldeia Mágica (PR14)

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4540, Regoufe


This trail shows the village of Regoufe. Narrow streets and monuments to discover in a nature trail that is 4 km long.

Percurso Pedestre Na Senda do Paivó (PR 13)

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4540, Regoufe


Deixe o carro na entrada da aldeia de Regoufe e embarque neste percurso pedestre de baixo nível de dificuldade. Tem 4.5 km de distância, por entre caminhos rurais.

Percurso Pedestre Rota do Ouro Negro (PR8)

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4540, Fuste


A small pedestrian walk of around 6 km along mountain trails. It lasts around two and a half hours and its difficulty level is medium or low. One must follow the red and yellow landmarks and profit of the local nature.

Percurso Pedestre Nas Escarpas da Mizarela (PR7)

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4540, Albergaria da Serra


This walk lasts 3 hours and a half along rather sinuous paths. It starts at the leisure park by the Merujal camping park and follows a route that leads to Mizarela. After a long walk, one arrives at the village of Mizarela and returns to the beginning.

Percurso Pedestre Caminho do Carteiro (PR 6)

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4540, Cabreiros


This is a walk of high difficulty level. It starts at the Largo da Aldeia at Rio de Frades and ends by the Tebilhão mills. It is about 6 km long and lasts around 3 hours.

Percurso Pedestre Livraria do Paiva (PR5)

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4540, Silveiras


Este percurso tem inicia e termina junta à Igreja de Janarde. É de nível médio, com a distância de 3 km (ida e volta) em cerca de uma hora.

Percurso Pedestre Cercanias da Freita (PR4)

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Santa Maria do Monte
4540, Santa Maria do Monte


The start and ending of this trail are at the Chapel of Saint Maria do Monte. It is a small trail, 13.3 km long, that lasts about three hours. It crosses the Freita mountain, accompanies the valley and the Urtigosa river, the village of Ameixieira and other places too.

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