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Monuments in Setúbal

Edifício do "Grande Salão Recreio do Povo"
- heritage
Avenida Luisa Todi, 203-217
2900-463, Setúbal
Probably dating from the second decade of the 20th century, this building presents itself as a fine specimen of eclectic architecture. The abundance of decorative elements displayed in the building proves the deliberate use of a variety of styles.

Edifício do Centro Social de São Francisco Xavier
- heritage
Praça Teófilo Braga
2900-647, Setúbal

Edifício do Balneário Doutor Paula Borba
- heritage
Rua do Balneário Doutor Paula Borba
2900-261, Setúbal

Casa das Quatro Cabeças
- heritage
Rua de Fran Pacheco, 44
2900-373, Setúbal
Building located in the heart of the old fishing village, has 3 floors and is an example of the city construction of Setúbal during the modern age. Over time underwent several changes but kept the essential characteristics of different eras of construction, with the ground floor to present testimonies Manueline. According to legend, this building is related to the attempted assassination of King John II, during a procession of God's body held in town sadina. At the top of the door is recorded a Latin inscription, cut by a sculpted head. On the corner of the building are the remaining …

Casa da Avenida dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra
- heritage
Avenida dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, 16
2900-328, Setúbal

Portal da Igreja do Convento de Jesus
- heritage
Praça Miguel Bombarda e Rua Acácio Barradas
2910-790, Setúbal
This construction is from 1490 and has Diogo Boitaca signature. This is a highly important work on the Portuguese architectonic history; hence it is one of the first constructions to present Manueline architecture features. To stand out the main chapel and the glazed tiles revetment from various periods.