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Igreja Paroquial de Madalena de Jolda

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Jolda Madalena
4970, Arcos de Valdevez

Arcos de Valdevez

Miradouro Wine Club

  • food & drink

Lugar de Oucias
4970-105, Arcos de Valdevez

Arcos de Valdevez

Situado na aldeia de Oucias, em Arcos de Valdevez, o Miradouro Wine Club promete trazer à montanha a melhor experiência vínica. Mesmo às Portas do Parque Nacional da Peneda Gerês, oferece cozinha de autor com uma ideologia sustentável assente no conceito "da quinta para a mesa". Para acompanhar, a Garrafeira conta com os clássicos, mas o principal ponto de escolha recai sobre a viticultura sustentável, com Vinhos Biodinâmicos, Orgânicos, Biológicos e Naturais.

Ponte sobre o Rio Vez

  • heritage

Rua dos Milagres
4970-592, Arcos de Valdevez

Arcos de Valdevez

Point built between 1876 and 1880 which sought to maintain the architectural line of the former medieval bridge which stood here. It consists of four arches of volta redonda.

Igreja da Lapa

  • heritage

Largo da Lapa
4970-434, Arcos de Valdevez

Arcos de Valdevez

The uniqueness of this temple is of monumental height of the nave, of plant and slightly oval walls, contrasting with the low and rectangular shapes of the vestibule and the chancel. The portal, surmounted by Windows, is framed and drawn up. Highlight the altarpieces of gilt and stucco work.

Igreja da Misericórdia de Arcos de Valdevez

  • heritage

Largo da Misericórdia
4970-438, Arcos de Valdevez

Arcos de Valdevez

Temple built in the 16th century, was rebuilt in the 18th century. Inside stands a statue of St. Anthony, which displays a caption referring to the expulsion of the Napoleonic troops.

Anta do Mezio

  • heritage

4970-092, Soajo

Arcos de Valdevez

The Dolmen of Mezio is integrated into the set of megalithic monuments known to Antas da Serra do Soajo. This is an exemplary prehistoric funerary built about 5000 years.

Casa das Artes de Arcos de Valdevez

  • art

Praça do Munícipio
4970-433, Arcos de Valdevez

Arcos de Valdevez

The Casa das Artes de Arcos de Valdevez is located in a building of the 1700s, classed in 1982 as a Public Interest Construction and known as the House of the "Terreiro" or of the "Conselheiro". It has a vast cultural programme and welcomes different artistic areas, namely cinema, music, fine arts and theatre.

Torre, Casa e Quinta de Aguiã

  • heritage

4970-034, Cardida

Arcos de Valdevez

This baroque house is composed by a big central body with double arcade and two symmetric stairs that are developed perpendicularly to the façade. Incorporated to the building there is a medieval tower in the middle of the house, with a square plan finished with crenels.

Capela de São João Baptista da Comenda

  • heritage

4970-516, Carreira

Arcos de Valdevez

Temple with a facade topped by a belfry with two ventanas. Highlights the capitals decorated with plant motifs and Zoomorphic and the cracks with carved columns, topped with depictions of the patron saints of the order of Malta, St. John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist.

Torre de Grade ou Torre de Faro

  • heritage

Rua de Mó, 101
4970-190, Grade

Arcos de Valdevez

This is a fourteen hundreds construction in which façade there is one tower interrupted by a straight door lintel, two windows and one of them has a portcullis with a coat of arms craved in stone. The tower is topped by chamfered merlons.

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