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Monuments in Melgaço

Cruzeiro do Senhor dos Aflitos

  • heritage

4960-130, Cristoval


17th century refurbished with granite cruise figuration of Christ.

Estátua da Lenda de Inês Negra

  • heritage

Alameda da Inês Negra
4960-534, Melgaço


Statue related to the legend of Agnes black. In 1388, the beginning of the reign of King João I, waged a war against Castile for independence from Portugal. One of the consequences of this conflict was the division between the aristocracy and the Portuguese people, and taking many lands on the part of Castile. At this point, Inez, a woman of Black people loyal to the Portuguese cause, abandoned when this town set Melgaço beside the King of Castile. Later, King John I decided to re-conquer Melgaço, and Agnes Black joined his army. However the two armies did not come …

Ponte da Veiga

  • heritage

Travessa da Várzea
4960-093, Castro Laboreiro


Granite bridge of the modern age, with arched Board about a single round arch and cobblestone pavement.

Ponte de Dorna

  • heritage

4960-056, Castro Laboreiro


This bridge has a curved platform with the pavement made of large flagstones, some of them emerging from the structure.

Mamoa 2 do Alto da Portela do Pau

  • heritage

4960-088, Castro Laboreiro


Large tumulus, decorated with motifs that result from the use of t-flange technique. This megalithic funerary monument is far from populated centers and routes of communication and access is difficult.

Castro de Melgaço / Castro da Cividade de Paderne

  • heritage

4960-247, Paderne


The Castro de Melgaço is a fortified village proto-history with an elliptical plant wall, with traces of occupation in the Roman era. It has a moat, which allowed a better defense of the town. Consists of fragments of pottery of iron age and Roman times, and a fragment of a anthropomorphic statue. Access to castro is extremely complicated.

Ponte de Varziela

  • heritage

4960-094, Varziela


Mediaeval bridge with one only perfectly vaulted arch and a platform with two metres wide. It possesses guards formed by granite blocks vertically placed and a few souls shaped in granite on the bridge entrance.

Canil do Cão de Castro Laboreiro

  • heritage

Castro Laboreiro
4960-035, Melgaço

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