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Bars in Santa Marta de Penaguião

Caves Santa Marta

  • food & drink

Rua dos Combatentes
5031-477, Santa Marta de Penaguião

Santa Marta de Penaguião

The company of wines and derivatives is fifty years old and belongs to the Região Demarcada do Douro. It has a museum, with old old objects of great interest which are related to the wine cellar's history. During the vist, one may savour some of the best wines in the region. Then, there is a pleasant room that is wid enough for large groups, where one can savour the best of the typical cuisine. The Santa Marta's house wines are obtained from the best breeds, vineyards that spread across about 2000 hectares, mountain areas, of extreme beauty. This was the …

Café Nicole

  • food & drink
  • heritage

Avenida Primeiro de Maio
5030-473, Santa Marta de Penaguião

Santa Marta de Penaguião