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Monuments in Vila Nova de Famalicão

Igreja de Santa Eulália do Mosteiro de Arnoso / Igreja de São Salvador

  • heritage

Rua de Santo Amaro
4775-491, Mosteiro (Monte)

Vila Nova de Famalicão

The Romanic church was built on the 12th century even though there are some doubts about the fact that this church used to be part of the Benedictine Convent, founded by S. Frutuoso on the 6th century. It stands out the doorway with two archivolts deeply decorated and the occidental doorway, very simple with the tympanum with a cross and laces, inspired on the bracarense (from Braga) art from the end of the 12th centuries.

Casa de Camilo Castelo Branco

  • heritage

Avenida de São Miguel, 758
4770-631, Seide (São Miguel)

Vila Nova de Famalicão

Nineteenth-century house where the writer Camilo Castelo Branco lived between 1864 and 1890. In 1915 the House suffered a large fire and was rebuilt in 1920, having maintained the same aspect that the primitive building. In 1954 it was turned into a House Museum of Camilo Castelo Branco.

Igreja de Santiago de Antas

  • heritage

Rua Frei Bartolomeu dos Mártires, 1695
4760-037, Igreja

Vila Nova de Famalicão

This Romanic church was built on the 13th century and here one stands out the paintings and the main chapel carving and the ceiling with coffers. The doorway is topped by a rose window and it possesses four archivolts settled in four columns with decorated capitals. The nave has rather big dimensions and finishes in triumphal arch with two half columns and capitals with zoomorphic decoration.

Mosteiro de Landim

  • heritage

Quinta do Mosteiro
4770-328, Landim

Vila Nova de Famalicão

This Convent was donated to the Canons regular of Augustinian Rule was sacred on the 16th century after some renovations. In 1562 it started to belong to the friars from Santa Cruz de Coimbra convent and was extinguished in 1770. This construction is under the renaissance style and it has some important features from it, such as the church, the Monastery house and all the land inside of the fence.

Ponte de Caniços

  • heritage

Rua Soares Veloso
4765-030, Rebordões

Vila Nova de Famalicão

Mosteiro de São Francisco de Assis

  • heritage

Avenida Tomás Pereira, 143
4770-606, Vale (São Martinho)

Vila Nova de Famalicão

Castro do Monte das Ermidas

  • heritage

4770, Vila Nova de Famalicão

Vila Nova de Famalicão

Fortified settlement proto-history. Has a line of wall showing the inner face faceadas not stones and pits excavated in the outcrop. There is evidence of a family housing nucleus of circular plant constructions. Are classified as Property in the public interest.

Ruínas da Capela de Cavalões / Antiga Capela das Almas

  • heritage

Rua Padre António Macedo
4760-459, Cavalões

Vila Nova de Famalicão

This construction has two naves separated by arches. The façade is torn by two doors topped by a triangular tympanum and surpassed by a round hole like “Steer eye”. The high choir is only represented by the rafter that supported it and above them there are two holy water fonts, one in each nave.

Casa do Vinhal

  • heritage

Rua da Estação
4760-084, Vila Nova de Famalicão

Vila Nova de Famalicão

18TH century building with profound changes in the 19th century. Boasts a stylish stone staircase, which has a Center pass to the ground floor. The piano nobile ten bedside high Windows features. The Chapel, which also underwent restoration, has a beautiful altar of talha. The gardens are of Baroque style.

Casa de Vila Boa

  • heritage

Largo de Vila Boa
4770-273, Vila Boa

Vila Nova de Famalicão

Two storey L-shaped Solar that currently features 18th-century features, while still keep the body of the staircase with the moth of the previous building. It consists of two bodies connected at right angles. It has a chapel marked by a simple portal with a frieze of the entablature on top and a cross to the axis flanked by two pinnacles.

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