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Núcleo Museológico da Fotografia do Douro Superior

  • heritage

Rua da Misericórdia, 14
5160-303, Torre de Moncorvo

Torre de Moncorvo

The memory and history of a people are also created with photographs, this is, at least, the idea of Arnaldo Duarte da Silva, professor and passionate about photography, who decided to create a Douro Superior Photography Museum Center. The collection includes photographs taken in the municipalities of Torre de Moncorvo, Freixo de Espada-à-Cinta, Mogadouro and Vila Nova de Foz Coa, and material, namely, cameras and other equipment, from 1886 to the present, as well as a collection of films from the 40s and 50s of the 20th century. These are objects that the group's mentor collected throughout his life, especially …

Miradouro de São Gregório

  • country
  • leisure

5160-041, Moncorvo

Torre de Moncorvo

From here you can get privileged views over the entire region.

Museu do Ferro e da Região de Moncorvo

  • heritage

Largo Doutor Balbino Rêgo, 9
5160-241, Torre de Moncorvo

Torre de Moncorvo

The Iron Museum in the Moncorvo Region is a museological and cultural institution designed to promote knowledge and dissemination of the archaeological and mining heritage of the territory, the villages and communities that were formed in the surroundings of the Roboredo mountain range and the Vilariça Valley, with particular emphasis on activities related to the iron exploitation.

Igreja Matriz de Torre de Moncorvo

  • heritage

Rua do Hospital, 14-24
5160-272, Moncorvo

Torre de Moncorvo

Renaissance temple with a façade integrated into an impressive stonework tower. It has a full arched portal framed and topped by seven niches with images. Inside, it is possible to see fragments of frescoes and altarpieces of Joanine carving. A curious fact: it took around a century to be built, starting in the first half of the 16th century.

Castelo de Torre de Moncorvo

  • heritage

Rua Tomás Ribeiro, 6
5160-294, Moncorvo

Torre de Moncorvo

This castle was built by King Dinis between the 13th and 14th centuries. Some of the walls that surrounded the old town remain from the original construction. The area where the wall existed is currently occupied by housing.

Cais Fluvial de Foz do Sabor

  • heritage

Foz do Sabor
5160-035, Moncorvo

Torre de Moncorvo

Arte Sabor e Douro

  • food & drink

Largo General Claudino, 26
5160-243, Torre de Moncorvo

Torre de Moncorvo

Aqui poderá degustar e adquirir especialidades regionais, com destaque para a famosa amêndoa coberta de Moncorvo. Para acompanhar, uma vasta garrafeira de vinhos do Douro Superior.

Igreja Matriz do Larinho

  • heritage

Rua da Igreja, 43
5160-114, Moncorvo

Torre de Moncorvo

Church dedicated to the Lady of purification, with a longitudinal plan and a single nave. Dated 1797, the main entrance of the temple presents Mark moldurados who develop curvilinear effects.

Igreja de Santo Apolinário

  • heritage

5160-401, Moncorvo

Torre de Moncorvo

Renaissance and Baroque church to present a porch supported by arches back full to surround the ship. The interior has a single nave, a choir-high with balustrade, a pulpit foursquare and traces of frescoes with the figure of a friar. Featured for the side altars in the gilded triumphal arch, decorated with polychrome painting.

Fonte de Santiago

  • heritage

Rua de Santiago
5160-263, Moncorvo

Torre de Moncorvo

Diving fountain consisting of a seventeenth-century façade with a semicircular arch framed by Doric pilasters. At the top of the arc, features an inscription and the arms of the municipality. To top it off, an equestrian statue of Santiago.

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