Biblioteca Joanina

XVIII century work with a magnificent baroque portal standing out. The front’s simplicity opposes to the decorative abundance inside, where the ceilings painted by the Lisbon artists António Simões and Vicente Nunes are worthy of note, as a well as a huge painting portraying D. João V, by Domenico Duprá.


Praça da Porta Férrea


  • Difficult external parking
  • Typical houses & Relevant buildings
  • Visitable (no guide), Visitable (with a guide)

    opening hours


  • monday: 09:00-19:30
  • tuesday: 09:00-19:30
  • wednesday: 09:00-19:30
  • thursday: 09:00-19:30
  • friday: 09:00-19:30
  • saturday: 09:00-19:30
  • sunday: 09:00-19:30

  • Winter

  • monday: 09:30-13:00, 14:00-17:30
  • tuesday: 09:30-13:00, 14:00-17:30
  • wednesday: 09:30-13:00, 14:00-17:30
  • thursday: 09:30-13:00, 14:00-17:30
  • friday: 09:30-13:00, 14:00-17:30
  • saturday: 09:30-13:00, 14:00-17:30
  • sunday: 09:30-13:00, 14:00-17:30
  • holiday: 09:30-13:00, 14:00-17:00

Monuments near Biblioteca Joanina

Edifício do Colégio de Santo António da Pedreira/ Casa da Infância Doutor Elysio de Moura / Casa-Museu Elysio de Moura

Former College founded in 1602 by the Franciscan province of St. Anthony of the observance. In 1834, with the extinction of the religious orders, was abandoned…

Aqueduto de São Sebastião / Arcos do Jardim

Work dated from the late XVI century, with 21 arches and a 1km length. It was constructed to bring water to the high part of the city. The building plan was ma…

Arco e Torre de Almedina

The Almedina arch was part of the medieval walls, going back to the XI century, as the Arabian toponym that means “the city” indicates. Nowadays it is the en…

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