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Cultural Centers in Porto

Biblioteca Musical

  • heritage

Rua de Cândido dos Reis, 117
4050-152, Porto


This is a Belle Époque building with azulejos (tiles) panels on the inside and also on the outside. Here you will find books related to music, as well as ancient musical instruments.

Torre do Tombo - Arquivo Distrital do Porto

  • heritage

Rua das Taipas, 90
4050-598, Porto


Rivoli Teatro Municipal

  • art

Praça de Dom João I
4000-295, Porto


It was on January, 19th, 1932 that the Rivoli was opened, making a great sensation on the society at the time, with the axiom “Theatre for the public in general”. Glorious times follow, with known cultural programming, with the presence of the National Theatre Company, Amélia Rey Colaço e Robles Monteiro, Maria Matos, Vasco Santana, among others. During the 40 and 50 decades, the Rivoli’s stage was used for innumerable music and dance shows. During the 70ies the quality of the programming decayed, being that after 1991 the Rivoli grows again, becoming a place of election for the autarchy’s cultural …

Museu Nacional da Imprensa

  • heritage

EN 108, 206
4300-316, Porto


O Museu Nacional da Imprensa (press museum) may be seen as an interactive museum. The visitor is free to try the traditional methods of printing. This place is also the Museu Virtual da Imprensa (virtual press museum) and has a permanent exhibition, the “Cartoon e a caricature”.

Museu do Instituto de Botânica Gonçalo Sampaio - Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto

  • heritage

Rua do Campo Alegre, 1191
4150-181, Porto


The museum integrates the Herbário (herbarium), which comes from the middle of the XIX century, with real collections and others bought or exchanged, where all plants’ groups are represented. It has a rich wood collection, especially in exotic woods from the former Portuguese colonies. One of these collections, shaped as a book, was taken from a shipwreck at the Douro mouth and offered to the University being, probably, the best collection of this sort that exists in Portugal. Another collection is made of parts of plants used to build goods such as bamboo, wicker, etc. Some of the scientific material …

Galeria dos Benfeitores da Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto

  • art

Rua das Flores, 5 - 15
4050-262, Porto


The Church dates from the XVI century but suffered profound changes during the baroque period, from which we point out the Nicolau Nasoni’s front. Neighbouring the church and the sacristy, you’ll find the Galeria dos Benfeitores, a fine exemplar of the iron architecture where valuable paintings are in exhibition, namely the famous Flemish painting “Fons Vitae”. In exhibition are also religious and civil jewellery Works from the XVI and XX centuries.

Fundação Doutor António Cupertino de Miranda

  • art

Avenida da Boavista, 4245
4100-140, Porto


This place has auditoriums and exhibition rooms equipped with modern audio and video projection, videoconference and simultaneous translation systems. Here take place congresses, temporary exhibitions, concerts and debates, which animate the space permanently. At the foundation is the Papel-moeda Museum, unique in Europe, presenting a vast collection of fiduciary papers, many of them unique, which tell the history of money in Portugal and testify the Portuguese economic evolution, starting at the XVIII century.

Casa Tait

  • heritage

Rua de Entrequintas, 219
4050-240, Porto


The Tait house owns a remarkable and complete collection of numismatics with Greek, Roman, Hispanic, Arab and Portuguese coins. The house keeps, still, the characteristic marks of the English families. Here you will revive a bit of those times and admire the collections of roses, camellias, fuchsias or the august Liriodendrum Tulipifera, a classified tree that deserves a closer look.


  • art

Avenida dos Aliados, 104 - Edificio CGD
4000-065, Porto


This cultural centre offers a varied programme that includes music, dance and theatre performances, among other cultural events. The galleries feature 20th century fine arts exhibitions and other temporary exhibitions. The space organizes cinema and art programs, as well as meetings to discuss books and the arts.

Fundação Eng. António de Almeida

  • art

Rua Tenente Valadim, 325
4100-479, Porto


Esta fundação foi criada por disposição testamentária do Eng. António de Almeida, que estipulou os fins (artísticos, educativos e de caridade). Reconhecida em 1969, abriu ao público em 1973. Ao longo destes 50 anos, tem desenvolvido uma intensa atividade cultural - sobretudo nas áreas da literatura, arte, educação e ciência - através da realização de encontros, conferências e debates, exposições e concertos, nas suas instalações e fora delas. Edita e apoia publicações como livros e revistas.

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