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Villages in Constância


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Vila de Constância
2250, Constância


Located on a small elevation, at the confluence of the Zêzere river with the Tagus, Constância was elevated to a town by Dom Sebastião in the 16th century. According to tradition, the village welcomed Luís de Camões. The monuments here include the Casa de Camões or Arcos, the Church of Misericórdia, the Church of São Julião, the pillory, the Museum of Rivers and Maritime Arts, the Camoniano garden and the monument to Camões.

Aldeia de Pereira

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Aldeia de Pereira
2250, Constância


An isolated, rural village that still has a traditional look in a rather scenic landscape. In the parish, one may visit the mother church, the chapel of Malpique, the chapel of Saint Pedro, the roman ruins of Alcolobre, the church of the military camp of Santa Margarida and the water mills. The local craftswork includes the manufacturing of baskets, benches and embroideries.