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Praia Fluvial de Ferreirós do Dão

  • beach

3460, Ferreirós do Dão


This river beach is located on one of the Dão river's banks, with a small sandy area and a natural pool. Besides, it has a large lawn, shades and some tables for pleasant picnics.

Novo Ciclo ACERT

  • art

Apartado 118
3460-909, Tondela


This space is devoted to theatre, music and dance performances. It has three amphitheatres, on of which is located outdoors, with 480 seats, where summer performances take place. It has a cultural shop. A gallery that features painting and sculpture exhibitions, where veryonee may exhibit their art works, a graphic arts and photography workshop and an audiovisual studio.

Museu do Caramulo

  • heritage

Rua Jean Lurçat, 42 - Caramulo
3475-031, Caramulo


The museum features an art collection thatAbel de Lacerda started in 1953, with works by famed modeern artists such as Vieira da Silva, Jean Lurçat, Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso. Its famed automobile collection includes vehicles that took part in over 100 events (races, rallies and compettions), mostly abroad, during the last 25 years.

Núcleo de Sepultura de Valdasna

  • heritage

3475-073, São João do Monte


Is a necropolis consisting of four anthropomorphic graves with perfect round breast. These graves are in a base of a small hill overlooking the river Águeda.

Capela de Nossa Senhora do Campo

  • heritage

Rua Nossa Senhora do Carmo
3465-084, Campo de Besteiros


Rococo church architecture, the chapel of Nossa Senhora do Campo has moth and 17th-century structure, although it has been the target of subsequent amendments. Inside, the altar, the paintings and the painted ceiling.

Estação de Arte Rupestre de Alagoa

  • heritage

Lugar de Alagoa
3465-012, Barreiro de Besteiros


Space consisting of eight shale rocks with hundreds of prints, with some overlap. Among the several reasons represented include human footprints (podomorfos), horseshoes, dimples and circles. The engravings have been obtained through the technique of t-flange using lithic utensils.

Igreja Velha de Santa Maria

  • heritage

Canas de Santa Maria
3460-012, Canas de Santa Maria


The classification as a National Monument only includes the façade it which the ogival arch is displayed, with a finishing which has a campanile with two windows.

Cascata Bica da Água d'Alta

  • beach
  • country

3465, Encosta do Caramulo


A medium sized waterfall located on a rather steep hillside, that forms a small lagoon and continues in a brook.

Prato D'Ouro - "O Faia"

  • food & drink

3460-321, Tondela


A restaurant compose of two rooms with a fireplace: one decorated with paintings of the monuments of th city of Tondela and thee other decorated with plates and few paintings. The menu features regional dishes.

O País

  • food & drink

Avenida Doutor Abel de Lacerda - Hotel Golden Tulip Caramulo Hotel & SPA
3475-031, Caramulo


This restaurant, that belongs to the Hotel Golden Tulip Caramulo Hotel & SPA, has a medium sized dining room with a refined decor. It has lovely views of the Caramulo mountain and of the mountain villages. It serves regional specoaloties and a selection of wines, namely Dão wines.

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