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Cultural Centers in Faro

Teatro das Figuras

  • art

Rua João de Brito Vargas
8005-518, Horta das Figuras


Founded in July 2005, the Municipal Theatre of Faro is the new stage in town. This space welcomes music shows, dancing, theatre, new circus and various exhibitions.

Museu Regional do Algarve

  • heritage

Praça da Liberdade, 2 - Rua do Pé da Cruz, 4
8000-404, Faro


A museum in the building of the Assembleia Distrital (District Assembly), with a vast and valuable collection of crafts, paintings and objects of the Algarve's etnography.

Museu Municipal de Faro

  • heritage

Praça Dom Afonso III, 14
8000-167, Faro


The first museum created in the Algarve, in 1874, is located in the former Convent of Nossa Senhora da Assunção. Deactivated in 1834, after the extinction of religious orders, the convent was used as a cork factory during the 20th century. Later, in 1960, the works of adaptation to a museum began. It presents permanent exhibitions of Archeology (Roman and Islamic periods), Religious Painting from the 16th to the 19th century and Painting from the 20th century, as well as temporary exhibitions of the most varied themes.

Teatro Lethes

  • art

Rua de Portugal, 58
8000-281, Faro


The Lethes Theater is named after a mythical river, whose waters had the power to erase life's annoyances and sadness from memory. A perfect name for a place where performance is used to entertain the spectators.

Museu Marítimo Almirante Ramalho Ortigão

  • heritage

Rua Comunidade Lusíada
8000-253, Faro


This maritime museum was created in 1910 and has a vast collection dedicated to the sea. Among others, fishing tools and shipbuilding models are on display.

Museu Sinagoga Isaac Bitton

  • heritage

Estrada da Penha
8000-118, Faro


This museum preserves a part of the jewish legacy, such as valuable books, documents and artefacts. There are some articles for sale, namely books, videos and souvenirs.

Centro Ciência Viva do Algarve

  • heritage

Rua Comandante Francisco Manuel - Doca de Faro
8000-250, Faro


In this centre, dedicated to science and technology, the visitor is invited to discover science through observation and experimentation. The main theme is the sun and its influence on planet earth and all living creatures.

Biblioteca Municipal de Faro

  • heritage

Rua Carlos Porfírio
8000-241, Faro


This library has vast documental assets of nearly 40000 books and 3000 audiovisual documents (cd, cd-rom, video and dvd). One can also consult newspapers, magazines, legislation and freely surf the internet.

Galeria Margem

  • art

Rua do Castelo, 1
8000-243, Faro


A gallery with temporary exhibitions by local and national artists, in the areas of painting, sculpture and others.

Núcleo Museológico das Ruínas de Milreu

  • heritage

EN 2-6
8000, Estói


The plan of the ruins reveals the charcateristic shape of a roman villa, with a indoors atrium surrounded by a gallery of columns. In the southern part of the ruins, one can see the "nympheum", a sanctuary built in the 4th century, devoted to the water divinities and later transformed into a paleo-christian temple.

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