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Monuments in Arruda dos Vinhos

Estátua de Irene Lisboa

  • heritage

Rua Cândido dos Reis - EN248
2630, Arruda dos Vinhos

Arruda dos Vinhos

Bust erected in tribute to the writer, teacher and educator Irene Pinheiro.

Escultura "Da Aurora ao Ocaso, a Teimosia de Resistir"

  • heritage

Estrada Nacional do Alcambar - EN248
2630, Arruda dos Vinhos

Arruda dos Vinhos

Monument located in the center of a small roundabout, where stands the inscription "Dawn to Dusk, the Stubbornness to resist".

Escultura "Aos que desbravando terras plantaram vinhas"

  • heritage

Rua Heróis do Ultramar
2630, Arruda dos Vinhos

Arruda dos Vinhos

Monument where stands a man with a basket of grapes on his back, raised in tribute to "that breaking land planted vineyards".

Antigo Edifício dos Paços do Concelho de Arruda dos Vinhos

  • heritage

Beco Torto
2630-285, Arruda dos Vinhos

Arruda dos Vinhos

Building that formerly functioned as City Hall and jail, located in the historical centre of the village. Emphasis on the 19th century bell tower.

Escola Conde Ferreira / Junta de Freguesia de Arruda dos Vinhos

  • heritage

Largo António Luís Macedo, 2
2630-218, Arruda dos Vinhos

Arruda dos Vinhos

Building dating from the late 19th century, located in the historical centre of the village. He currently serves as headquarters of the Junta de Freguesia of Arruda dos Vinhos.

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