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Miradouro de Barrancos

  • country
  • leisure

Rua 1º de Dezembro
7230, Barrancos


A belvedere in a garden with views of the vicinity of Barrancos.

Museu Municipal de Arqueologia e Etnografia de Barrancos

  • heritage

Travessa do Arco, 2
7230-030, Barrancos


Housed in a renovated Manor House Museum, which gathers Islamic Iberian and Epigraphic pieces discovered in the Noudar Castle. It also features Punic sculpture.

Castelo de Noudar

  • heritage

7230, Barrancos


After serious problems caused by the Castilian domination, d. Dinis gave the order of Aviz Noudar, forcing her to build a strong Castle and granting the town many privileges. Thus, the castle was built in 1308, by order of d. Br. Afonso, master of the order of Aviz, and suffered over the centuries various repairs. Consists of hexagonal wall and fence, reinforced by the cubelos regular spaces, with two gates defended by two barbicans and two shutters. Recently, have been undertaken several archaeological investigations, with a view to the integration and rehabilitation of the origins of this fortification.

Parque de Natureza de Noudar

  • country
  • leisure

Herdade da Coitadinha
7230-909, Barrancos


The Nature Park of Noudar, included in the Natura Network 2000, is located at a distance of seven kilometres to the northeast of Barrancos. The area is not located on the banks of the Alqueva, instead it is located in the influential area of the reservoir.

Percurso Pedestre da Herdade da Coitadinha

  • country

7230, Barrancos


A trail by the Coitadinha Farm, at the Nature Park of Noudar, a part of the Natura 2000 network. The farm has about one thousand hectares and it is located at about seven kilometres to the northeast of Barrancos. These lands are not located on the banks of the Alqueva river but instead in the dam's influence area.

O Miradouro

  • food & drink

Rua 1 de Dezembro, 38-40
7230-042, Barrancos


By the name it is possible to predict that the views of this restaurant are guaranteed and what you see are extensive Spanish hills. The cuisine is traditional alentejana, although admire other suggestions of national cuisine.

Parque de Feiras e Exposições de Barrancos

  • utilities

Rua Nova do Baldio
7230-033, Barrancos


A Esquina

  • food & drink

Rua das Fontaínhas, 2
7230-018, Barrancos


O restaurante A Esquina, em Barrancos, fica numa pequena e acolhedora casa tradicional, a servir os bons sabores regionais. As entradas são maioritariamente compostas pelos já famosos enchidos de Barrancos, em particular o presunto DOP. Para a refeição principal, o destaque vai para o porco preto, sejam as plumas à casa, os secretos grelhados ou os afamados lombinhos com molho de orégãos. Sugerem-se também o coelho bravo e a perdiz frita e as migas com entrecosto e enchidos. Para fechar com chave de ouro, nada como uma chácara de Barrancos, toucinho do céu com chila e amêndoa ou os natalícios …

Câmara Municipal de Barrancos

  • utilities

Praça do Município, 2
7230-030, Barrancos


Parque de Natureza de Noudar

  • hotels

Apartado 5
7230-909, Barrancos


The Noudar nature park offers two accommodation buildings: the Casa do Monte with six doubles, and Malta's House with dormitories with capacity for 30 people. In the Park you can find various routes, which can be made on foot, by bike or noucar (electric vehicles off-road), which pass through the assembled smoked sausage, vegetable gardens, the river and the riverbank, and even a castle!

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