Museu Nacional Frei Manuel do Cenáculo/ Museu de Évora

After a few years of closure for repairs, this space Museum reopened to the public in June 2009. It features permanent and temporary exhibitions, including collections of 15th and 16th century painting, sculptures of the middle ages and the Renaissance. In addition to these collections presents, also, ceramics, jewellery and tiles of various periods, for a total of about 20 thousand pieces. One of the novelties of the new Museum's Flemish altarpiece, recalling scenes from the life of the Virgin, arranged chronologically.


Largo do Conde de Vila Flor


  • 3.00€
  • Museums
  • Library, Shop, Educational services, Guided tours

    opening hours

  • tuesday: 09:30-13:00, 14:00-17:30
  • wednesday: 09:30-13:00, 14:00-17:30
  • thursday: 09:30-13:00, 14:00-17:30
  • friday: 09:30-13:00, 14:00-17:30
  • saturday: 09:30-13:00, 14:00-17:30
  • sunday: 09:30-13:00, 14:00-17:30

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Museu de Arte Sacra da Sé

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Museu do Relógio – Pólo de Évora

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What do do near Museu Nacional Frei Manuel do Cenáculo/ Museu de Évora