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Monuments in Silves

Ponte de Silves

  • heritage

Ponte Romana
8300, Silves


Roman bridge built over the widest point of the river Arade. The bridge is only suitable for pedestrian crossing and features five round arches. Medieval bridge whose construction dragged on for several years and which has been subject to several rebuilding episodes.

Igreja Matriz de São Bartolomeu de Messines

  • heritage

Rua do Arco, 3
8375-145, São Bartolomeu de Messines


Temple built in the 16th century, during the transition period between Manueline and Renaissance style. It has an interesting baroque façade, added at a later date, with white walls and masonry work in red sandstone. The slender pulpit and corresponding access staircase, built with local marble, is a small baroque masterpiece. The church also possesses a valuable set of religious statues from the 16th to the 18th century. Of this collection special mention goes to the statues dedicated to the Virgin.

Fortaleza de Armação de Pêra

  • heritage

Largo da Fortaleza
8365-108, Armação de Pêra


The fort was built mainly to defend this site and its people. People used to travel here from Alcantarilha (the capital of the parish) in order to fish and engage in other piscatorial activities and therefore needed some protection. A chapel dedicated to the fort's patron saint was built inside the fortress in 1972, nowadays it is known as Capela de Nossa Senhora dos Aflitos (Chapel of Our lady of the Distressed).

Igreja da Misericórdia de Silves

  • heritage

Rua da Misericórdia, 2
8300-137, Silves


Church composed of a single nave and with a main facade equipped with a staircase with two flights of stairs. The façade also has a portico with a triangular pediment. On the inside, the church has a barrel vault and, on the high altar, there is a 16th century altarpiece with grooved ionic columns that is worth special mention. It has painted panels; the main one depicts the Visitation, while the four side panels and the three upper panels are allusive to the seven works of Mercy.

Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Conceição / Igreja Paroquial de Alcantarilha

  • heritage

Largo da Igreja, 2
8365-012, Alcantarilha


Manueline temple where the chancel’s vaulted roof and the triumphal arch are worth special mention. Also of interest is the chancel’s 18th century altar piece, done in a rococo style, and the baroque chest of drawers in the sacristy. There is a small bone chapel attached to the church.

Sé Catedral de Silves

  • heritage

Rua do Sagrado Coração de Maria
8300-146, Silves


Gothic temple erected using local red sandstone. The temple has suffered quite a lot of alterations during restoration programmes. A portico with an ogival archivolt stands out in the main façade. The baroque style door dates back to 1781. The interior is composed of three naves, the most central of which is more elevated than the other two.

Castelo de Silves

  • heritage

Rua do Castelo
8300-112, Silves


Silves castle is the biggest castle in the Algarve and one of the most remarkable works of military architecture inherited from the Arab occupation. Its structure was made up of several elements: the Alcáçova (fortress), the Almedina walls (at the central part of the fortified town), the Couraça (armour), the Arrabalde walls (located at the suburbs of the fortified town) and some ditches. Of all these elements the Alcáçova is the most important and is also where you can see two cisterns that date back to the time of the original building. You can also see a well, called Cisterna …

Igreja Matriz de São Marcos da Serra

  • heritage

Largo da Igreja
8375-252, São Marcos da Serra


Church built on a longitudinal plan and composed of nave, chancel, bell-tower, baptismal chapel and sacristy. It is the town’s building that has the most urban impact. The doorway and the baptismal font exhibit traces of the manueline period.

Igreja de São Francisco

  • heritage

Rua de São Francisco, 3-A
8365-204, Pêra


Church with longitudinal nave plant with lateral chapels and rectangular chancel. The sacristy has access to the outside beneath the Bell Tower. Conventual, religious and Baroque architecture.

Fonte Nova da Partilha

  • heritage

Rua do Poleirão
8375, São Marcos da Serra

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