Cineteatro Louletano

Large old cinema and theatre room, located in the centre of Loulé, in good state and where there are cinema sessions.


Avenida José da Costa Mealha


  • Difficult external parking
  • Theatres & Showrooms
  • 1
  • Auditorium, Bar/snack-bar

Cultural Centers near Cineteatro Louletano

Anfiteatro António Aleixo

A small outdoors anphitheatre with a capacity for 200 people. In its centre there is a statue of António Aleixo.

Atelier 5

A small gallery/atelier with a painting school, where works in oil, acrylic, glass, porcelain and tile are shown.

Atelier de Pintura de Francisco Velez

In this small atelier located in a mall, one can watch the artist painting plates and canvas.

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What do do near Cineteatro Louletano