Monte Verde

In this restaurant, also a cafe on the lower floor, one may enjoy th excellent fresh fish of the island. At the entrance, it is possible to choose the fish that will then be served grilled, boiled or fried according to one's taste. The dining rooms, with wooden ceilings, and the familiar service also stand out. A special note to the "Terras de Lava" wine.


Rua da Areia, 4
9600-546,Ribeira Grande


  • 12.50€
  • 140
  • Familiar, Informal
  • Typical
  • ATM, American Express, Mastercard, Visa
  • Easy external parking
  • Portuguese, Regional
  • Internet, smoking, Take-away

    opening hours

  • tuesday: 12:00-22:00
  • wednesday: 12:00-22:00
  • thursday: 12:00-22:00
  • friday: 12:00-22:00
  • saturday: 12:00-22:00
  • sunday: 12:00-22:00


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