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Paço de Pombeiro

  • heritage

Rua do Burgo, 590
4610-619, Pombeiro de Ribavizela


The construction of Paço de Pombeiro dates back to the 16th century, in a Manueline style. It is a Property of Municipal Interest that boasts ancient lines and layouts, in all their splendour.

Igreja do Salvador de Unhão

  • heritage

Lugar da Igreja
4650-652, Unhão


Of modest proportions, this temple has a single nave and a rectangular chancel, highlighting the main portal which, made up of four archivolts with a round arch decorated with geometric and vegetal motifs, frames a tympanum filled with the typical hollow cross of the bracarense tradition. The gilded carving of the altarpieces that flank the triumphal arch and the main altarpiece appears during the 18th and 19th centuries. The Church of Salvador de Unhão reflects the importance and scope of the settlement of the region during the 13th century, whose foundation can be dated from the epigraph that records the …

Igreja de São Mamede de Vila Verde

  • heritage

Lugar de São Mamede
4615-463, Vila Verde


This church is already mentioned in documents dating from 1220, as an integral part of the patronage of the Monastery of Santa Maria de Pombeiro. However, the current building has features of later Gothic influence, even though Romanesque construction was used. The chapel was probably built in the 13th century, when King Mendo de Sousa moved to Vila Verde. Today, evidence of frescoes by Mestre Arnaus can still be seen in the chancel, as weel as the plasterwork decorated with paintings in the nave.

Villa Romana de Sendim

  • heritage

Lugar do Agrelo
4610, Sendim


Archaeological excavations carried out from 1997 onwards revealed the existence of a large Roman Villa with compartments paved in geometric mosaics. What is there is the equivalent of what is now called the Quinta. It was occupied until the middle of the 5th century, as the evidence on a brick found in the place where the sign of Solomon is engraved, shows. It is possible to find the houses of the slaves who worked in the fields and the communication routes so typical of the Romans.

Mosteiro de Pombeiro

  • heritage

Lugar do Mosteiro
4610-640, Pombeiro de Ribavizela


Founded in 1059 according to popular tradition, although the oldest documentary reference dates back to 1099, the Monastery of Pombeiro enjoyed privileges and justice of its own as early as 1112, as evidenced by the Charter of Couto granted on that date by D. Teresa. This monastic institution has been documented since 853, which makes it one of the oldest in the territory, although there is no material evidence of its first establishment. Located at the intersection of two of the main roads of medieval times, one that connected Porto to Trás-os-Montes and a second that connected Beira to Alto …

Igreja de Santa Maria de Airães

  • heritage

Lugar do Mosteiro
4650-078, Airães


Although founded in the 11th century, the Romanesque building of this church only took place in the 13th and 14th centuries, when Gothic-inspired elements were also introduced, later suffering an extension to three naves and renovations in the 17th and 19th centuries. The portico with four archivolts retains its original features. The interior, whose appearance is the result of the reconstructions it underwent, is partially lined with 17th-century tiles. It is worth admiring the Romanesque portico, the three naves supported by powerful columns and the gilded statues.

Igreja de São Vicente de Sousa

  • heritage

Lugar da Igreja
4650-529, Sousa


This temple represents a good example of the Romanesque style, with a single nave and a rectangular transept. Inside, it features baroque carvings on the main altar and statuary in the same style. The antiquity of this building is confirmed by two inscriptions on the walls, both from the Romanesque period. The first, from 1214, commemorates the church's dedication and can be found on the outside of the nave's wall, while the second, from 1162 - the construction date of the original transept - is believed to be a funerary inscription or commemorating the construction of an arcosolium (tomb arranged …

Percurso Pedestre dos Caminhos Medievais (PR1)

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Vila Fria
4610, Vila Fria


Travel through nature, through medieval paths, always with the necessary directions and historical notes. The walk has a length of 6.2 km, which means 2-3 hours walking. It is possible to pass by the Pombeiro Monastery, by the Vila Fria Bridge, among other points of public interest.

União das Freguesias de Vila Verde e Santão

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Rua Padre Alexandre
4650-817, Vila Verde


União de Freguesias Vila Cova da Lixa e Borba de Godim

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Rua Dom Manuel I, 208
4615-510, Vila Cova da Lixa

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