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Results for Percursos Pedestres in Portugal

Parque Fluvial do Tâmega

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  • leisure

Marco de Canaveses
4635, Marco de Canaveses

Marco de Canaveses

Com 1,5 km de extensão, e localizado nas margens do rio Tâmega, este parque é favorecido por uma ampla albufeira, sendo um excelente local para a prática de desportos aquáticos, piqueniques e caminhadas. Dispõe de um circuito pedonal, geriátrico e de manutenção, um centro náutico, uma fluvina, um bar de apoio, um parque de merendas, um parque infantil e um percurso pedestre.

Parque Aventura

  • leisure

Estrada de Santa Eulália, 215
8200-381, Albufeira


Parque Aventura com actividades ao ar livre, como percursos de arborismo e paint-ball.

Itinerário Pedestre Via Romana XVII (GR117)

  • heritage

4830, Serzedelo

Póvoa de Lanhoso

A long pedestrian trail that starts at the Alto da Rita (Rita's Peak), at an altotude of 450 metres. It combines nature and the rural ways of life. A special note to the Castle of Lanhoso, a National Monument, and the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Pilar.

Trilho Pedestre Algarvia - Pico da Vara (PR7)

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Santo António de Nordestinho
9630, Santo António de Nordestinho


Pedestrian route with a length of around ten kilometers and a medium degree of difficulty. Along the way you can enjoy the beauty of the surrounding landscape, coming into full contact with nature. To follow this trail you will need to obtain authorization from the forestry services.

Trilho Pedestre Caldeirão - Ponta do Marco (PR2)

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Estrada do Caldeirão
9980-028, Vila do Corvo


This route starts at Miradouro do Caldeirão, ends at Cancela do Pico and lasts approximately 4 hours. One thing to take into account is that it is a route that can only be done with the help of a guide. After passing by Morro dos Homens, to the left of the main road, at 718 meters above sea level, follow, further ahead, Espigãozinho. It's the end of the road and the beginning of the adventure. At the bottom, there is the "cauldron", a large sinking crater 3.7 km in diameter and 300 meters deep. Two irregularly shaped lagoons and small …

Trilho Pedestre Pico Alto - Anjos (PR2)

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Pico Alto
9580-111, Vila do Porto

Vila do Porto

The path begins in a tarmac road that climbs towards the Pico Alto (587 m), the highest peak of Santa Maria. Then follows up a thicket of cater toward the Floor of John Thomas. Here you can see some plants of the Laurissilva forest, such as pau-branco, Heather, uva-da-serra, tamujo, Laurel, among others. More ahead the Barreiro da Faneca, known as "Red Desert of the Azores", because it is composed of reddish clay soils. Already at the end, still time to visit the Furna DAS.

Trilho Pedestre Povoação - Pico da Vara (PR23)

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Rua Gonçalo Velho
9650-423, Povoação


Route that begins in the village and ends at Pico da Vara, the highest point on the island, with about 1100 meters of altitude. After reaching the peak, can choose to descend to the Algarve, the Lomba da Fazenda or go down the same path. Will pass by a waterfall, in the Ribeira de Purge, by Lomba de Nossa Senhora dos Remédios, some pastures and the mountain Simplicius.

Trilho Pedestre Praia - Lagoa do Fogo (PRC2)

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Caminho Ribeira da Praia
9680, Água de Alto

Vila Franca do Campo

This route starts in Ribeira Grande, passing by the geothermal station and Caldeira Velha, then climbing to the viewpoint that offers a magnificent view over this famous lagoon and, finally, descending to its banks. It is approximately six kilometers long.

Trilho Pedestre Praia da Amora - Lobeira (PR10)

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Praia do Fogo
9675, Ribeira Quente


Pedestrian path which begins next to the beach of Amora, in Ponta Garça and ends on Lobeira, in Ribeira Quente. This is a route with a lot of climbs and descents, always next to the sea, with a length of about 2.5 miles. Will undergo three beaches, vineyards, a winery, a traditional school and ultimately reach the Lobeira.

Trilho Pedestre Santo Espírito - Maia (PR4)

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ER 1-2
9580, Vila do Porto

Vila do Porto

This route starts next to the Church of the Holy Spirit, in the parish of Holy Spirit, follow until you reach the Waterfall on the River of Aveiro. After passing through the tip of the Castle towards the locality of Maia, until you reach the Lighthouse of Gonçalo Velho. There you will find a way of standing desk that descends to the sea, along which you can observe several species of local flora, as well as a magnificent view of the coast of Malbusca. Getting there below you will find the ruins of an old factory of the whale, and …

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